We will give priority to the owner’s request for the selling price on the resale site, but we are unable to tell you an approximate selling price at this moment as it will be a negotiation with the buyer. We will make every effort to sell at the highest possible price.
You can only cancel your application once.
The system does not allow you to divide your membership into sections, however, Gold Owners with over 20 million yen in membership can divide their membership into sections of 10 million yen.
(システム上、転売サイトに会員権を分割して登録することは出来ませんが、ゴールドオーナー様で 2000 万円以上の会員権をお持ちの方は、1000 万円単位で分割することが可能でございます。)
Both are possible.
The resale process is done directly with the resale site “Dubai life”, not through Marhaba’s agents or your introducer.
(転売についてのやりとりは、マルハバのエージェント様やご紹介者様を介さず、転売サイト「Dubai life」との直接のやり取りとなります。)
This resale site is for owners who wish to cash in their memberships, so if you are willing to wait until your condo or hotel is back in operation and you are able to start paying dividends again, we would like you to keep your memberships and watch Marhaba grow with us.
It will be transferred to your bank account.
The suggested resale price should be the amount you wish to sell the property for. The actual price will be negotiated with the buyer, so we cannot tell you what the asking price should be.
Registration and use of the resale site is free of charge, however, in the event of sales contract, a successful sale, you will be required to pay a commission of 5% of the sale price.
(転売サイトの登録やご利用に関しましては無料でございます。ただし、売買契約が成立した場合は、販売価格の 5%が販売手数料として必要となります。)
We are sorry, but this is not possible.
No,there is not time limit.
Once you have applied to the resale site, your entitlement to the dividend is no longervalid.
Please contact Customer Service for a replacement certificate, the fee is 30,000 yen.
(会員証の再発行は、カスタマーサービスまでご連絡下さい。再発行手数料は 3 万円となります。)
We are sorry to say that we do not offer a “money back guarantee” for memberships that have been signed. Please check your contract once again. At the end of three years, your membership can be sold. If you wish to resell your membership, please use our resale site.
会員権は 3 年が経ちますと、売却していただくことが可能でございます。売却の際は、転売サイトをご利用ください。)